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7. SA 24092019-Anmeldelse hele artikkel.
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“Kristina Vårlid’s playing is technically immaculate and deeply involved.” 

- Musicweb International

“I shall not compare her with Bream. She should, as all great artists, just be compared with herself, even though that is clearly impossible. But she has some qualities in her playing that makes me a bit euphoric when I think about what she actually gets out of the classical guitar (…) This is quite a debut: Luxuriantly interpretative and varied in tone and shape, through musicianship that takes your breath away. So I have to think a little about Bream after all.” 

- Klassekampen, musikkmagasinet

"Vårlid’s performance of the first of these ariettas is just about the most beautiful way you could hope to spend two-and-a-half minutes of your life. Throughout, the artist reveals herself as a player of complete fluency and astonishing dynamic range, used in support of fully mature interpretations of an ambitious and effective program."

- Soundboard Magazine, Guitar Foundation of America

“There is a unique power to the way Kristina Vårlid (24) is making music. On this album is an abundance of music for guitar from the past 100 years – leaving you wanting for more. Supported by outstanding technique and strong musical instincts, Kristina’s debut recording is a treat.” 

- Simax Classics

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